Terms of use

As owner of THE QUARTERMASTER I would like to point out to all visitors and customers of my online store that the orderer must have completed the 18th year of life and would like to prove this to me by presentation of the proof of age (copy of identity card or similar) by fax, letter or as email scan, if the orderer would like to acquire deco weapons, knives, cut and thrust weapons or articles with insignia of the third Reich. This is not required for freely saleable articles.

In the case of an order of articles from the time of the Third Reich, which show the emblems of the organizations of that time, the legal regulations must be observed. The orderer commits itself with the purchase of articles with emblems of the third realm to acquire these only for purposes of the civic clearing-up or for the historical-scientific research of the civic clearing-up, the defense of unconstitutional efforts, the art or the science, the research or the apprenticeship, the reporting over procedures of the time events or the history or similar purposes and to use these in no way propagandistically intended. Disclosure to uncontrollable third parties is prohibited.

A propagandistic use would be punishable according to §§ 86 and 86a StGB. The orderer commits himself to the adherence to the paragraphs mentioned and assures that he does not pursue punishable intentions in the sense of the paragraphs mentioned. When ordering combat knives or cutting and thrusting weapons, proof of age is also required.

Only under these conditions orders will be accepted.